Rules and information for participating

Let’s make an impact in our community!

Let’s give back by performing an act of caring or volunteering.

To take part, register on your own or form a team and take action on May 3!

Register now

Who can participate?

All employees and advisors of iA Financial Group, including those of our subsidiaries.

Who is organizing the activities?

You can act alone or as a group. You must plan a caring or volunteer activity and take action on May 3.

Looking for ideas?

Here are a few examples:

  • Collect clothes/toys in April and donate them to an organization on May 3
  • Serve coffee at the office entrance
  • Donate a few hours of your time to an organization (cleaning, painting, etc.)
  • Deliver flowers to seniors in a residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD)
  • Organize fundraising activities and remit the funds on May 3
  • Contact 211 and a representative will help you find a charitable organization in your area, anywhere in Canada.

Would you like to identify yourself?

We will be providing T-shirts in iA colours at affordable price. Between March 20 and April 19, order this item on

Take a photo of yourself in action and send it to We will be posting them throughout the day on May 3.