Conquering the Great Wall of China

January 1, 0001

Our coworker, Hélène Bois, Advanced Underwriter, Individual Insurance, recently took on the Great Wall of China for a good cause. Let her tell you about one of her greatest experiences:

“I just got back from my expedition to the Great Wall of China for the 2019 edition of the CRS Challenge. My goal was to raise $10,000 for the Cancer Research Society and walk 100 km along the Great Wall! Thanks to the support from my iA Financial Group coworkers, my family, friends and several companies, I was able to raise nearly $11,000!

It was difficult to navigate the rough sections, the steep uphill sections, at temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees Celsius plus the humidex. I trekked about 10 km per day, mostly in portions in disrepair! It was hard work!

Thanks to your contributions, personal donations, financing activities, volunteering, bake sales, etc., my ten-woman team succeeded in raising $140,000 for the Cancer Research Society! Thank you! One hundred and forty thousand times thank you!

There are six CRS Challenges per year for those who want to take on a physical challenge for a good cause. Are you up for it?”

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