Helping vulnerable women and their children: A natural mission for Isabelle Blackburn

September 17, 2021

Our colleague Isabelle Blackburn, President and COO of iAAH and Prysm, will act as ambassador for the Quebec City YWCA’s De l’ombre à la lumière (From Darkness to Light) fundraising event on November 17.

The YWCA’s primary mission is to help vulnerable women and their children.

Let’s hear from Isabelle in a few sentences what motivated her to get involved:

Giving back a little of what we have received is important to me; that’s why I like being involved in the community. Not everyone is born with the same chances and no one is immune to experiencing difficulties.

The cause for women is particularly important to me because many YWCA Quebec residents are mothers. The assistance provided by this organization will therefore also support their children to guide them towards a better life.

Women’s homelessness, although little recognized and very discreet, is very present in our region and elsewhere. Each year, more than 300 women and children find refuge at the YWCA Quebec.

Touched by Isabelle’s involvement, iA Financial Group has made a financial contribution to the event through its donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.

Thank you and congratulations Isabelle!