Catherine Newman, appointed Chair of the Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal Board of Directors

March 9, 2023

On March 1, 2023, the Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (FIUSMM) appointed our colleague Catherine Newman as Chair of its Board of Directors.

Member of the Board of Directors since 2021, Catherine is now taking the reins. In the past, she has also been involved with causes such as Leucan, participating in the “shaved head challenge”, and is still involved with the Women’s Centre of Montreal Foundation.

With over 20 years of experience, our Vice-President, Finance, Financial Reporting is a passionate leader who knows how to mobilize those around her. Her audacity and innovative spirit will undoubtedly motivate her to achieve many successes in her new mandate.

“My parents have experienced mental health challenges, so this cause touches me personally,” Catherine said. In Canada, one person in five will personally experience a mental health problem or illness, not counting the people who support them. With the Foundation team, the members of the Board of Directors and our loyal donors and volunteers, I am confident that together we will move the cause forward.”

iA Financial Group financially supports Catherine’s devotion by making a donation under its donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.

Congratulations, Catherine and all the best at the head of the FIUSMM!