Our colleague, Catherine Newman, will take part in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge in April, in Montréal. She will shave her head in support of cancer research with the Audacieuses cohort.
This group is made up of exceptional women from different areas to create a big wave of inspiration and generosity across Quebec by taking part in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge. Discover the 10 inspiring women who make up this team!
Invited by Brigitte Daignault, another member of the Audacieuses, Catherine jumped at the chance to join the team. Here are a couple of quotes that speak to her commitment to the cause:
"Leucan is such a great cause. When you have children, there’s always a worry that they’ll get sick. No one can hide from an accident, mental health problem or cancer. I consider myself lucky that I have two healthy daughters. It upsets me when I see other parents who aren’t so lucky.
Causes like Leucan need money and I want to do what I can to contribute. By doing my part, I also want to educate the people around me about the reality faced by families with children living with cancer."
Touched by Catherine’s involvement, iA Financial Group supported the Audacieuses by making a donation under its donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.
It’s important to mention that Catherine is very involved in the community. She is a member of the board of the Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal and also a member of the board of the Women’s Centre of Montréal Foundation.
Encourage Catherine or take part yourself in the Shaved Head Challenge in your area and support Leucan. This organization is an invaluable resource for children fighting cancer and their families.
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