Employees of iA get involved with the Quebec City university hospital centre (CHU de Québec)

January 23, 2020

Close to 500 people attended this event, which took place in Quebec City on January 23rd. The money raised will be used to purchase a PINPOINT imaging system for the colorectal surgery unit at Saint-Francis of Assisi hospital.

Two of our co-workers have contributed to the success of this event for several years as members of the La Cellule (the cell) committee: David Chandonnet, Real Estate Investments, and Marie Turcotte, iA Auto and Home Insurance. In the middle, we have Sarah-Line Beaulieu, Solutions, Client Contact Centres, and 2020 event ambassador, who beat colorectal cancer last year at 26 years of age.

To support our employees and this amazing initiatives, we donated $4,000 to this cause. As volunteers for this annual cocktail, they give their time to support a new cause that is not funded by the Quebec university hospital centre.

In 2020, La Cellule decided to support the colorectal surgery team at Saint-Francis of Assisi hospital, which has been waiting for the PINPOINT imaging system for three years. The treatment of colorectal cancer, the second most common type of cancer in Canada, sometimes leads to complications for patients. PINPOINT imaging would make surgery safer and help reduce the risk of post-operative infection.

The La Cellule – Pour un CHU en santé (the cell – for a healthy UHC) committee is a group of young professionals, the new philanthropic generation of the Fondation du CHU de Québec (Quebec UHC foundation). They support “orphan” healthcare causes at the Quebec UHC. Since its creation in 2012, the group has raised over $800,000.

Visit the La Cellule Facebook page (French only) and the Fondation du CHU de Québec website (French only).

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