The iA Financial Group team showed their courage at the Quebec Ride to Conquer Cancer

July 12, 2019

On July 6 and 7, the iA Financial Group Ride to Conquer Cancer team braved the elements and overcame fatigue, cycling over 200 kilometers in two days, from Repentigny to Donnacona, to raise money for cancer research. 

Our team of sixteen cyclists raised an incredible total over $45,000, surpassing their initial fundraising goal of $40,000. In total, 4.2 million dollars were raised by all the teams who participated in this 11th edition of the event. The funds raised will support cancer research, care and prevention programs at the Jewish General Hospital and their partners in the province. 

At the end of the event, Pierre Beaudry, team captain, sent this touching thank you to all those who supported the team:

Dear friends,

The 2019 Ride to Conquer Cancer is already behind us. Thanks to you, it has been a resounding success. Thanks to you, over 1,400 cyclists raised over 4.2 million dollars for cancer research in Quebec. Over the past 11 years, together we’ve raised over $60.2 million dollars. That’s quite a feat. Thanks to you, lives will be saved through better adapted and innovative treatments discovered through research. Yes, we are making a real difference. We are saving lives.

Our team worked hard this year. Our iA Financial Group team, as in past years, benefited from the support of Industrial Alliance. And what a support it is. The company has been supporting us for eleven years. This year, our team of 16 cyclists received a donation of $20,000 from the company, and many managers also gave us financial support. We are very grateful for this incredible support. With the help of iA and our families and friends, our team raised over $45,000 this year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

As for our cycling challenge, it was quite the ride. Our journey from Montreal to Quebec City was not easy. Among other things, we had torrential rain for most of the morning of the first day. Difficult and demanding. One of our cyclists had a fall, but luckily had only minor injuries. She was able to continue the ride with us. We also had several tire punctures. Throughout the whole adventure, our team was in high spirits and held it together from beginning to end. What a team!

One of our team members this year was a cancer survivor. Bernard took on the challenge with his wife, Lily. This inspiring and extraordinary couple rode from Montreal to Quebec City in tandem. Such courage, and what a feat! We were so privileged to have them with us for this challenge.

I’ve attached a few photos of our arrival. For us, it was like you were all there when we arrived. We thought of you and sent you a big THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.



Team iA Financial Group 
Ride to Conquer Cancer 2019

Congratulations to our team and all those who supported them!