David Chandonnet and La Cellule once again lend their support to improve care at the Québec-Université Laval University Hospital Centre

February 13, 2024

David Chandonnet, Senior Director, Real Estate Investments and Asset Management is one of the dedicated members of La Cellule, a group of young professionals working with the Fondation du CHU de Québec (the Quebec City University Hospital Centre Foundation) to support isolated, high-impact causes with the goal of humanizing care.

On January 25, at the Quebec City Museum of Civilization, the tenth La Cellule cocktail fundraiser raised a record $370,000—$20,000 more than the ambitious target the committee had set for itself.

The money will be used to purchase 65 syringe pumps to make intravenous general anaesthesia more accessible, precise and patient-friendly, thanks to artificial intelligence.