Mathieu Cousineau skis for children’s health

February 15, 2024

Mathieu Cousineau, Fixed Income Trader at iA Private Wealth, participated in 24h Tremblant for the 6th time in December.

For the 2023 event, his team Les skieurs assoiffés 5 sponsored Yoan, an 8-year-old living with verbal dyspraxia. Mathieu and his team raised a total of $9,860- almost double their goal of $5,000!

In total, this year’s event raised over 6.6 million dollars. The funds will be donated to medical and social organizations, with the goal of ensuring all children can grow and thrive in good health.

Mathieu told us about what motivated him to participate in the event, since the very first year:

“I'm really proud to have raised over $10,000 in donations over the first 5 years of the event, even if that's only a tiny fraction of the 21.3 million that the event has raised in these 5 years.

Through your donations, you’re giving children the promise of a better future thanks to various programs and research projects funded by 24h and its beneficiaries: the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, the CHEO Foundation, the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation, the Montreal Children's Hospital Foundation and the Tremblant Foundation.

Thank you to Industrial Alliance for supporting me in this event with a generous donation.”

When it comes to supporting our generous employees, iA Financial Group always knows which way to point our skis.We made a donation to the event through our donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.

Great work Mathieu! Let’s hope your contributions have a snowball effect!