Isabelle Durand's commitment to the autism community

February 2, 2024

Isabelle Durand is actively involved as a member of the Board of Directors of Giant Steps, a specialized centre for autistic children and adults located in Montreal, and attended by her son Antoine, who is 14. Thanks to a recent major fundraising campaign, and the participation of generous donors, such as iA, a new building was inaugurated in September 2023. The students were then able to start their 2023-2024 school year in a brand-new environment tailored to their needs and sensitivities. The new centre now comprises four pillars: a specialized school, adult education and employability, a research and innovation hub and a resource and training centre to support the wider autistic community.

Isabelle’s involvement on the Board leverages her expertise in both governance and real estate development. She also supported the school’s team in establishing the contractual structure for the construction of the new building and revising the school’s governing documents to reflect the transition to a centre with a new, expanded mission. Isabelle has been involved with the Board of the Giant Steps Foundation since 2019 and the Board of Giant Steps since 2021. She was at the forefront of the substantial fundraising and teamwork that went into inaugurating the new building. Her son has been attending the Giant Steps School since preschool, and thanks to this adapted and stimulating environment, he has been able to progress towards learning essential life skills—without anyone ever being surprised by his difference.

Thank you to iA for supporting this cause, which so beautifully reflects our values of inclusion and diversity!