Learning a second language for you, a donation for them!

October 21, 2020

There are many ways to help your community. Ashleay Dollard, Executive Assistant at iA Financial Group, has created a board game and is helping the less fortunate at the same time.

With her second game, which encourages learning a second language, Ashleay will donate a portion of the proceeds and 10% of the games produced to charities that work with newcomers. What’s better for someone who is new to Quebec than a game to help them integrate and learn French while dealing with social isolation?

Specifically, Tradis provides the tools needed to help people learn a second language based on their needs. Whether it’s learning verb tenses, mastering the notion of time or to simply manage day-to-day life (ask for directions, make purchases, etc.), this game has everything one needs to spark interesting discussions! At its core, the game was designed to help business people speak in a second language. However, it can also be adapted for high school students or for any other situations where one has to adapt to a new language in a new place.

Ashleay’s project has officially been launched via the La Ruche crowdfunding site. Check it out!