Our Vice-President of Client Experience gets involved with Bénévoles d’expertise

September 6, 2022

Chantale Lemire, Vice-President, Client Experience at iA Financial Group is now a member of the board of directors for Bénévoles d’expertise.

She is taking on this new role with passion and enthusiasm, as she explains in her comments explaining her motivation for joining:

“For the past 10 years, Bénévoles d’expertise has provided non-profit organizations (NPOs) with access to fields of expertise through people who give their support by graciously volunteering their time and their knowledge.
A perfect match! I find the bridge they create between business and community particularly inspiring. Also, BE has always been a cause important to iA so it was only natural for me to support this cause as well.”

In fact, since Bénévoles d’expertise was founded, many of our employees from various professional fields have generously volunteered their services to a wide variety of non-profit organizations. By sitting on the organization's board of directors, Chantale will also bring additional knowledge and perspective to this organization, which was created by Centraide Québec and Chaudière-Appalaches.

As we do for any employee sitting on the board of directors of an NPO, iA Financial Group supported Chantale's involvement by making a donation to Bénévoles d'expertise through our donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.

Congratulations Chantale and thank you to all our employees who make valuable connections with the community through this organization!