Our team “Les Sunshine” goes the distance for the Quebec Cancer Foundation

October 25, 2023

On September 10, 2023 at the Sainte-Foy outdoor recreational area, our team, “Les Sunshine” were proud to participate once again in the Grand Défoulement walkathon, to benefit the Quebec Cancer Foundation.

The team, made up of iA Financial Group employees Sylvie Deshaies, Marie-Josée Faucher, Annick Lachance and Julie Thibault (retired), finished in second place for most funds raised, with a total of $7,255. This helped to push the total raised to $94,000, well over the goal of $80,000.

Touched by the dedication of our four colleagues from Group Savings and Retirement, iA Financial Group made a donation to the walkathon under its donation policy for employees who get involved in their community. Team members from the company proudly wore our elephant logo for the walk.
