Peter Morrison cycles in memory of his brother Chris at the Ride for Heart

September 13, 2023

On June 4, for the fourth consecutive year, Peter Morrison, Sales Manager - Atlantic at PPI got on his bike to participate in the Ride for heart to benefit the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

He has raised $30,650 this year, ending up being the highest individual fund raiser in the country and bringing his three-year total raised to over $83,000. Peter has set a goal of raising $100,000 by 2026.

Peter has a very special reason for getting involved in this event. Let's hear him tell it in his own words:

I have a significant history of heart issues in my immediate family. My mom died of a heart attack at 76, and my dad had a triple bypass at 64. I am the middle child of three boys. Even though all of us are very active and try to live a healthy life, our genetics are working against us!

All three of us have had heart stents inserted prior to the age of 50. My older brother Paul survived a heart attack in 2012 at age 46. My younger brother Chris was not complaining of any issues but in late April of 2020 he suffered a severe heart attack at the age of 46. He was in a coma for several days before we made the decision to donate his organs and remove his life support, leaving a grieving wife and two children.

In May of that year, I received an email from Heart and Stroke regarding their annual fundraising ride. I decided that the timing was good to do something to take my mind off the loss of my little brother and do something positive in his memory.

I greatly appreciate the support of so many families, friends and even strangers over the years and iA’s support this year was very generous and greatly appreciated!



Inspired by Peter’s touching story, iA Financial Group supported him through its donation policy for employees who are involved in their community.

Thank you Peter for this positive community commitment, full of hope and kindness!