Our colleague Claude Sirois supports Scleroderma Quebec

June 15, 2023

Claude Sirois, Managing Director, Real Assets and Private Equity, has given his attention and support to Scleroderma Quebec for a number of years. Among other things, he’s been part of the organizing committee for one of the organization’s major fundraisers.

He explains in his own words the challenges that come with this disease and his reasons for getting involved in the cause:

“I’ve been involved in raising funds to fight scleroderma for several years. I have a very dear friend and associate whose mother has the disease and I wanted to support him and his family in a concrete way.

Scleroderma is a rare and degenerative disease characterized by excessive collagen production in the skin and vital organs. Internal organs such as the heart, lungs and kidneys can be affected, diminishing the quality of life of sufferers, but above all their life expectancy.

In more visual terms, it’s as if the body were mummifying and becoming increasingly inert. The cause of this disease, from which thousands of Quebecers suffer, is still unknown, and unfortunately there is no known cure.

The funds raised by the committee I’m on will enable us to continue funding the only scleroderma research chair in Canada, located in Montreal, as well as providing services to people suffering from this terrible disease.”

In solidarity with this important cause, iA Financial Group supports Claude financially through its donation policy for employees who get involved in their community.

Thank you to Claude for his dedication to the advancement of scleroderma research and care.

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