Vincenzo Ciampi: Supporting Montreal General Hospital in Many Different Ways

December 13, 2023

Vincenzo Ciampi, Senior Vice-President of Global Client Experience at iA Financial Group has contributed to the Montreal General Hospital (MGH) Foundation in many ways for over six years.

In addition to serving on the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Vincenzo has played an active role in the success of their most recent major campaign: CODE LiFE: Vital Support for Vital Care, which surpassed its fundraising goal, raising an unprecedented 110 million dollars.

A dedicated champion for the cause, he also chairs meetings of the Foundation's Financial Resources Allocation Committee to secure support for the projects that will have the greatest impact for the benefit of patients. His expert advice contributes to the success and development of the MGH Foundation's activities.

“I give my time to this cause because I strongly believe that altruism and philanthropy can help our healthcare system by fostering innovation and research,” says Vincenzo. Together, our contributions can help transform the lives of patients, now and in the future.”

Recently, Vincenzo joined the honorary committee for an event in tribute to Dr. David S. Mulder, a leader in traumatology and Chief Surgeon at the Montreal General Hospital for over 20 years. The event was 5xdcv partnership with the Montreal Canadiens, many of whose players Dr. Mulder cared for at the beginning of his medical career. In recognition of Vincenzo’s remarkable contributions to the MGH, iA Financial Group was proud to contribute to the event.

Congratulations and thank you for your work, Vincenzo!

Photo: Vincenzo, at right, accompanied by Jean-Christophe Bedos, centre, Foundation Chair and President and Chief Executive Officer of Maison Birks. On the left, Yvon Roy, Board member and Managing Director Investments, Venture Capital and Growth at CDPQ.